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We offer foundational support to get your Capital Campaign up and running. We will work alongside your team to help do the groundwork for a successful campaign. Some examples of how we can support your team are as follows:


  • Develop Campaign Analysis and Fundraising Plan

  • Support building a comprehensive campaign budget

  • Work with your team and designated design professional to create campaign brochure & materials

  • Help lead strategy for the campaign and necessary next steps for campaign success

  • Volunteer training for fundraising

  • Evaluate systems in place and make recommendations

  • Donor stewardship training


We can help train and equip your board and staff through half day, full day or multi-day work training sessions and retreats. We focus on organizational health, board responsibilities and fundraising. We will work with you on your organization's needs to create a strategic agenda and plan for the day. We also make sure everyone has fun!

Board Staff Anchor


Our team is equipped to help you with your next online fundraising campaign. We will work with you to create a strategy and theme for the campaign, work with your team on execution and we also have the ability to handle all email and social media marketing for the campaign. 

Campaign Anchor


Coaching consists of bi-weekly or monthly coaching appointments between myself and your development team member, Executive Director or CEO. Typically this is in a one-on-one setting. We will discuss goals, challenges and more. Agreements are typically for 6 months. 

Coaching Anchor


We will work with your team to build a robust annual development plan. This includes an analysis of current efforts, an organized and detailed funding plan and recommendations. Having a development plan in place ensures your team (both staff and volunteers) are on the same page and understand what the goals and objectives of the organization are. It also helps you stay on track and not get distracted with every new idea that is brought to the table. Typically this takes 2-3 months to develop, review and finalize. I can work with your team on what your specific needs are.

Dev Plan Anchor


Learning how to steward relationships with your donors is vital to the long term health of your organization. We will work with you to evaluate your current practices and provide recommendations to make your stewardship more creative and impactful. 

Steward Anchor


We offer grant research to look for prospective grants for your organization and can work with you on writing your next grant. We believe grant writing is collaborative in nature and will be a team effort, however we will act as your primary writer and coordinator on the project.

Grant Anchor
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